Allsorts Memory Bank

Allsorts Pre-school is celebrating 40 years - but its history has never been recorded. This is your chance to contribute to the Memory Bank.
  • Did your children go to the pre-school?
  • Were you a former pupil? 
  • Have you worked there or do you have any other connection?

Send us your memories - and let us know what you are doing now. Over the next few months your memories will be added to this section.

First Memories

Here are a couple of the very first memories about the start of Allsorts, which was originally known as a ‘playgroup’ to many:

‘When we first came to the village in 1973 there was a private nursery. The lady who ran it wanted to retire or move away - I cannot remember which. Kate Griffin, Lynn Debney and others set up the playgroup. Anita Stock was the first leader (she had teaching experience) and Pauline Valentine and Bella Brooks were the paid helpers. I became the first treasurer. We had four sessions a week, 9am-12pm, and a parent helper on a rota.’

(Annie Brooker)

‘Parents were fed up having to go to Wallingford for playgroup so Liz Witney and I approached North Berkshire Council for permission to set one up in the village. They were reluctant at first but then very supportive. The playgroup was first held in the old village hall - a wooden hut down The
Street. Then, after a year it moved to the building we now know as the village hall, where it remained for many years. There was room for 24 children. Furniture, toys and books were begged and borrowed and Tony Debney painted all the chairs!’

(Lynn Debney)

To contribute a memory, please email it to