Two friends Wendy Roderick and Liz McGivan run a small community fundraising group called Oxfordshire500 where every month we give £500 (sometimes two lots of £500) to someone needing temporary financial relief.  We live in Brightwell but donate throughout Oxfordshire.  We have now been running for over two years and have given donations of over £30,000 to people who are really struggling financially for all sorts of reasons.  If you look at our website  under the History tab you can view every donation.

Oxfordshire 500 now has nearly 100 members donating what they can afford, some as little as £1 a week, but together we are able to commit £500 monthly to help the local community.   We put forward a list of 3 or 5 nominations (depending on whether we are giving one or two donations) and the members chose who they think the money should go to.

There are no administrative costs or bank charges to water down our contributions and we pay the money over immediately.

At present we receive referrals from the members, South Oxfordshire CAB, Homestart and Oxfordshire Homeless.  We are always looking for people to join us so do look at our website above.