Our near neighbour in North Moreton, Polly Vacher is planning a 'Donkathon' to raise funds for Research into Multiple Sclerosis.   The 200 mile journey by donkey cart from Oxfordshire to the church of St Melangell in N Wales begins on 25th June.

Polly is well known for her brave and remarkable flying feats.   She was the world's first female pilot to fly a single engine aircraft solo over the North Pole and Antarctica.   Sadly she is no long able to fly after losing sight in her right eye, putting an end to a long series of flying projects for charity.

Wizard and Muffin, Polly's donkeys will help Polly raise funds in a completely new way.   MS Research is a particularly important cause for her family.   Polly's nephew, Alexei, was diagnosed with this progressive debilitating disease of the central nervous system at the age of only 26.

To find out more about Polly's Donkathon challenge, or make a donation please visit:  www.donkathon.org