We have good news for our garden waste customers. We are pleased to be able to tell you that our garden waste service restarts in South Oxfordshire on 22 February – thank you so much for your patience.

If you are a garden waste customer and you still have your real Christmas tree, we are happy to take it on your garden waste collection day. Please put it in the bin if it fits or put it out next to the bin.

The crews will be working hard to complete the rounds but we are expecting more garden waste bins to be put out than normal, so please bear with us.

Please ensure all the garden waste fits into the bin with the lid closed as this helps the bin crews get round more quickly. If you can’t fit everything in the bin, please keep anything extra back (except Christmas trees) until the next collection.
Please note that we are not taking on any new garden waste customers at this time to focus on fulfilling the service for existing customers.

In the meantime, anyone who is not a garden waste customer can dispose of garden waste at one of Oxfordshire County Council’s Household Waste Recycling Centres. These sites are open but please check their website for opening times and any restrictions, particularly Covid-19 restrictions.

Please see our website for more information https://www.southoxon.gov.uk/.../recycling.../garden-waste/