Environment Group Past Projects
- Hedge Laying
- Hedgerow Survey
- Garden Bird Survey (ongoing)
- Garden Butterfly Survey
- Coppicing
- Garden Pond Survey
- Farmland Birds Survey (general)
- Published Parish Conservation Plan
- Traffic Survey
- Parish Watercourse Survey
- Recording of Water Levels and Rainfall (ongoing)
- Traffic Survey
- Roadside Verges Survey (Wild Flowers)
- Millennium Wood
- Village Paths Survey (Wild Flowers)
- Farmland Bird Survey in 2 specific locations (ongoing)
- Hedgerow Survey Update (Key Hedgerows)
- Bat Survey St James’ Church
- Swan Allotments Wild Area (ongoing)
- St James’ Churchyard Wildlife Project (ongoing)
- Jubilee Tree (Golden Elm)
- Garden Bird Survey Revised Survey Form
- Publication of Millennium Wood Souvenir Book
- Garden bird survey
- Pond survey
- Annual Meeting and talk on otters and water voles
- Assesment and development of plan to maintain Well springs
- Maintenance of allotment hedgerow
- St James Churchyard project
- Publication of Millennium Wood Book
- Traffic survey
The Environment Group also organises public meetings with talks on various topics and field visits to local areas of interest.