Photo-Voltaic Initiative

The cost of electricity is rising, a rise which is likely to continue into the future. Saving on energy use is one way of lessening household expenditure, as well as reducing the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere. The Photo-Voltaic (PV) Initiative was designed to encourage parishioners to install photo voltaic panels on their roofs and to take advantage of the government financial incentives supporting these installations.

Several meetings were held, some with installers of PV panels, where parishioners could learn more about the installation and operation of solar panels. There was discussion of the various prices installers were offering, the different expected electrical outputs, the choice of panels and the pitfalls that might be encountered. The Feed in Tariff (FIT) and its varying rate since inception was also looked at in detail.

The PV Initiative encouraged between 15-20 dwellings to install solar panels in the parish. Current calculations suggest annual returns of up to 10%, an advantageous rate at a time when interest rates are so low.